J.H NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL provides attractive buildings, well- furnished classrooms, lab facilities, library facilities, etc.
This app is very helpful app for parents,students,teachers & management
to get information about student. Once the app is installed on the
mobile phone, student,parent,teacher or management starts getting
information for student attendance, homework, results, circulars,
calendar, fee dues, library transactions, daily remarks, etc.
Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways for people to learn and work together
We firmly believe that this app will make all parents better informed and bring in positive vibe to our parent community
For more information about J.H NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL , please visit:
This app was developed by INFO BELLS TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD please visit: http://www.infobellstech.com